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GBMC (Global Business & Management Consulting)

                Europe-Japan Business and Management Consulting 

                             Helping you Do Better Business with Japan !

"Voyage au centre du Japon des années 90" (e)Book

MOSAICA JAPONICA (Philippe Huysveld)

What people say about us:

​“I met Philippe Huysveld as President of the French subsidiary of the Japanese group Yokowo, whose headquarters were located in the Val-d'Oise. I could appreciate the thorough knowledge, by Philippe Huysveld, of the industrial area, but also its expertise on management of a Japanese company. Mr. Philippe Huysveld has also conducted several studies and reference documents related to the economic and industrial relations between Europe and Japan, and has been also an associated Professor of the Cergy-Pontoise University (Paris Area) in the field of Japanese economy, that he masters perfectly.” (e) Book "MOSAICA JAPONICA: Lecture Culturelle du Japon socio-économique" ​"Japan Series": Livre/Book 3 by Philippe Huysveld (GBMC)   

                         Jean-Francois Benon, Managing Director
     Val d'Oise Economic Expansion Committee (CEEVO)
                                   Cergy Pontoise - Paris region, France

"Voyage au centre du Japon des années 90"

​"Japan Series": Livre/Book VII

an (e)Book (in French) about what Japan was like in the nineties 

​by Philippe Huysveld (GBMC)

​This (e)Book, by Philippe Huysveld of GBMC, is a screening of Japan  in the 1990s,  from a cultural, travel, social, economic and academic perspective. It is intended at foreign students studying in Japan or at expats living in Tokyo as well as at the motivated reader or tourist interested in knowing more about the Culture, Society, Education and Economy of Japan.

Having stayed 30 months (from Octobre 1992 to April 1995) in Kyoto, the cultural capital of Japan, having travelled a lot inside the country, the author wishes to give his readers a good idea of all what Japan was offering in the nineties through a flashback in time, a little after the burst of the financial bubble (which took place in 1989).   

Sharing his academic, touristic, cultural and social experience, from his contacts with the inhabitants of Kyoto and of the rest of the country, the author shows to his readers aspects of Japan little known in the West, details often not perceived by foreign tourists touring in Japan.


"Ayant séjourné 30 mois d'octobre 1992 à avril 1995, à Kyoto, la capitale culturelle du Japon, et ayant voyagé beaucoup à l'intérieur du pays, l'auteur espère, en racontant ses aventures quotidiennes et ses voyages, pouvoir donner à ses lecteurs une bonne idée de tout ce que le Japon de cette époque pouvait offrir.

Partageant ses multiples expériences au contact des habitants de Kyoto et du reste du pays, il présente à ses lecteurs des aspects peu connus en Occident, subtilités qui échapperont aux touristes étrangers de passage dans le pays. Il s'agit donc d'un retour en arrière dans le temps, un peu après l'éclatement de la bulle financière (en 1989).

Ensemble, nous allons voyager au centre d'un pays cherchant à s'internationaliser, tout en conservant ses riches traditions. Cette radiographie du Japon s'adresse à un large public, curieux d'en savoir plus sur les aspects culturels, touristiques, académiques, linguistiques, économiques et sociaux du Pays du Soleil Levant."


​The Book(in French) is available for sale in Paperback and Hardcover formats right now from the following website (Les Editions du Net, Paris, France):

​​Other Books from the same author are also available from the following pages:


About Philippe Huysveld's eBook - Voyage au centre du Japon des années 90

GBMC (Global Business and Management Consulting)
55 avenue MarceauParis, IDF75116FR
Phone: 0033139724606 Website: www.gbmc.biz

by Philippe Huysveld and Motoko Huysveld