Déclaration d’activité de prestataire de formation enregistrée sous le numéro 11 75 54946 75 auprès du préfet de la région d’Ile-de-France.
Europe-Japan Business and Management Consulting
Helping you Do Better Business with Japan !
Japan-related Speaking
Philippe Huysveld is a speaker (also known as "Faculty Member") registered at SpeakerHub and Speakers Academy, the leading institute for professional speakers. With thousands of requests per year, hundreds of thousands of visitors to their website and more than a quarter of a million readers of the "ACADEMY Magazine", Speakers Academy has acquired a unique position as a leading knowledge institute.
You can book a conference and check Philippe Huysveld's profile online at the following pages:
He is also available for speaking about Europe-Japan Relations (in French and English) at Local and International Conferences or Events. For further enquiries, please send us a mail at gbmc.biz@gmail.com.
"Je tiens à vous remercier pour la qualité de votre intervention, lors de la matinée Japon organisée par le MEDEF Ile-de-France le 11 mai 2016. Votre connaissance du Japon et de la culture de ses entrepreneurs, vos conseils sur les "à faire" tout autant que sur les "à ne pas faire", les "do" et les "don't do", pour les entreprises françaises désireuses d'un développement d'affaires avec ce pays, ont été très appréciés et ont donné lieu à des échanges enrichissants entre vous et les participants, dont certains, exportateurs confirmés, ont pu témoigner de la justesse de vos propos en direction des nombreux néo-exportateurs présents."
Michel Jonquères
-Commission Internationale du Medef Ile de France
-Mouvement des Entreprises du Val d'Oise et MEDEF Val d'Oise
-Comité Val d'Oise des CCEF
"Nous tenons à vous adresser nos sincères remerciements pour la qualité et l'intérêt de votre intervention jeudi soir dernier à l'occasion de la venue de la délégation I-BAC. Les participants à cette conférence dont les 8 membres de la délégation japonaise de la préfecture d'AICHI avec lesquels nous avons été en contact à l’issue de cette soirée ont vivement apprécié votre intervention et les explications précises que vous avez fournies concernant le développement d'activités sur le marché japonais. Vos exemples concrets ainsi que vos propos rythmés ont vraiment contribué au succès de cette conférence.
Nous avons été très satisfaits des échanges qui se sont opérés durant et à l'issue de cette conférence et nous espérons que cette conférence pourra se traduire dans les prochains mois par la mise en place de projets concrèts de développement au Japon de la part de nos sociétés val d'oisiennes."
Emmanuelle Desthieux,
Chef de projet,
Cergy-Pontoise, Paris région (France)
Please feel free to contact us directly for other speaking/lecturing opportunities!
Japan-related Lecturing
1) Philippe Huysveld has been an Associate Professor at the University of Cergy-Pontoise (Val d'Oise Prefecture, Paris area). Within the Master Program in Languages & International Trade - option Japanese Market, he has been in charge of the following two courses (2012 - 2013, in French):
Overview of the evolution of the Japanese Economy from the origins until today.
With a special focus on Modern Japan: on the Meiji / Showa / Heisei Periods (1868-2013).
Study in depth of the Japanese social model (life time employment, social peace, seniority-based wages), the Labour Unions, the Labour Market and Employment Relations.
2) As a Lecturer, Philippe Huysveld has also been lecturing (2013 - 2015, in English) about DOING BUSINESS WITH JAPAN at the Vesalius (Business) College in Brussels, within the "Business Executive Seminars" series/program. The Business Executives Seminar (BES) at Vesalius College involves a series of lectures offered by executives from the private and public sector. Each lecturer presents views, insights and experience, national or international, on a specific management function or field.
More details from: http://www.vesalius.edu/business-executives-seminar-spring-2015/
"I have known Philippe Huysveld as a lecturer in our 'business executives seminar' series. His workshop on "Business Relations with Japan" was very successful. Philippe is very knowledgeable in this field and his workshop was valued by the students. I can highly recommend him." GBMC Japan Lecturing and Speaking
Pr. Bert Mosselmans, ex-Dean, Vesalius College, Brussels
The Vesalius College was founded in 1987 by the Flemish University VUB (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and the Boston University to offer undergraduate education in English. As an American-style business college, Vesalius takes a humanistic approach to education. Key dominant traits are: Belgian, American, cosmopolitan, liberal arts and free thinking. More details from: http://www.vesalius.edu/
Talking about a fascinating country and key Economic Power like Japan could be the object of a full course or even an academic program. Therefore, as an introduction to the subject, this workshop focuses on two key questions: WHY and HOW to do business with Japan ?
In the first Part (the WHY Part), we start with an overview of the Japanese Industry and Economy, we show that it is a major Market where Innovation, Long-term Strategy & Customer Service are key and where International companies need to be. Further, we explain the mutual benefits for Japan and the EU to conclude an EPA (Economic Partnership Agreement). This is a hot topic at the moment !
In the second Part (the HOW TO Part), we learn how to negotiate and to build long-term relationships with Japanese businessmen & companies and we make an analogy with the Japanese “Sumo”. Finally, we analyse what went wrong in the following Case Study: ”Opportunities for French SMEs in the Japanese Aerospace Industry: how to improve business relations.”
The Workshop is a combination of Powerpoint presentations, interactive Q&A and case study.
" As the coordinator of Business Executives Seminars at Vesalius College I had the opportunity to meet Philippe Huysveld and attend his Workshop "Business Relation with Japan". Mr.Huysveld, undoubtedly, has extensive knowledge in this field. He gave a very in depth and at the same time clear and easy to follow presentation about why one should do business with the Japanese and how one should do business with the Japanese. Educational, interesting and inspiring, Mr.Huysveld has not only managed to explain but imprint the concept of "kaizen" within me personally."
Dasha Ivanova, Vesalius College, Brussels