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Europe-Japan Business and Management Consulting
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GBMC Publications Europe Japan Industrial Relations 2015 - Working together for a better future - A Market Report by E. Motoko Inuyi and Philippe Huysveld (GBMC) Septembre 2015
Archived GBMC Report for direct purchase
Europe Japan Industrial Relations 2015
- Working together for a better future -
A Market Report by E. Motoko Inuyi and Philippe Huysveld (GBMC)
Septembre 2015
This report has been put together, gathering a lot of data and information from various types of sources and with different techniques, in order to draw attention to the ongoing cooperation between Japan and Europe. Not forgetting the decades of many trials and errors of working out how to work together better, efficiently and productively.
The Part I of the report puts the focus on the extent of the current cooperation taking place mainly in Europe (and to a lesser extent in Japan), while the Interviews (Part II) also highlights the historical background of these companies and organisations. As a whole, it is extensively illustrated by concrete examples and success stories.
As we close near to the opening of wider international trade relations due to the progress in the EU-Japan FTA/EPA negotiations, we also point out the possibilities of further cooperation in the future.
From a sectorial point of view, we focus mainly on the following key business domains: Transport Industries (such as: Aerospace, Railways and Automotive) as well as Energy and ICT/Electronics Industries.
We also introduce other important European sectors such as KETs (Key Enabling Technologies), Medical, Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare, Biotechnology, Textiles and Fibres, Chemicals, Plastics and Rubber, Foods, Steel, Glass and Metals, (Electrical) Machinery and Machine Tools. .
Finally, as to the Renewable Energy sector, GBMC has already published a full report about Renewable Energies in Japan (commissioned by the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation), for which an update (including a second Part on Renewable Energies in Europe) is scheduled in 2016 by GBMC publications.
We hope it will make an interesting read, as well as being informative, giving you perhaps “fresh” ideas on how to expand your business or how to cooperate and work together in both Europe and Japan.
(Brief) Table of Contents:
Part I: Sectorial Overview
1. Japanese Presence and Investments in Europe
2. Focus on the European Aerospace Sector
3. Focus on the European Railway Sector
4. Focus on the European Automotive Sector
5. Focus on the European Energy Sector
6. Focus on the European ICT and Electronics Sector
7. Overview of other EU Sectors
8. Cross-border cooperation projects and Top Technological Regions
Part II: Corporate Testimonials
1. Testimonials from Japanese Industry Organisations in Europe
2. Testimonials from Japanese companies active in Europe
3. Testimonials from European Organisations “open” to Japan
About GBMC
Bibliography & Endnotes
To receive a short sample of our Report, please send us a request at gbmc.biz@gmail.com
Product Details:
Approximatively 150 pages
Copyright © 2015 Philippe Huysveld and Motoko G. Huysveld. All rights reserved.
Format: Paper version only
Payment: by PAYPAL or Bank Transfer in Euros (with an Invoice issued in both cases)
350 Euros for the first copy + sending fee (depending on the location and the selected postal service)
75 Euros per additional copy + sending fee (if relevant)
If you have questions or enquiries about the content of the report or about the payment methods, please feel free to send us an e-mail at gbmc.biz@gmail.com.
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What people say about us:
“I met Philippe Huysveld as President of the French subsidiary of the Japanese group Yokowo, whose headquarters were located in the Val-d'Oise. I could appreciate the thorough knowledge, by Philippe Huysveld, of the industrial area, but also its expertise on management of a Japanese company. Mr. Philippe Huysveld has also conducted several studies and reference documents related to the economic and industrial relations between Europe and Japan, and has been also an associated Professor of the Cergy-Pontoise University (Paris Area) in the field of Japanese economy, that he masters perfectly.”
Jean-Francois Benon, Managing Director
Val d'Oise Economic Expansion Committee (CEEVO)
Cergy Pontoise - Paris region, France