Déclaration d’activité de prestataire de formation enregistrée sous le numéro 11 75 54946 75 auprès du préfet de la région d’Ile-de-France.

GBMC (Global Business & Management Consulting)

                Europe-Japan Business and Management Consulting 

                             Helping you Do Better Business with Japan !

"Nous tenons à vous adresser nos sincères remerciements pour la qualité et l'intérêt de votre intervention jeudi soir dernier à l'occasion de la venue de la délégation I-BAC. Europe-Japan Cross-cultural Training Services Europe-Japan Cross-cultural Training Seminars

Les participants à cette conférence dont les 8 membres de la délégation japonaise de la préfecture d'AICHI avec lesquels nous avons été en contact à l’issue de cette soirée ont  vivement apprécié votre intervention et les explications précises que vous avez fournies concernant le développement d'activités sur le marché japonais. Vos exemples concrets ainsi que vos propos rythmés ont vraiment contribué au succès de cette conférence. 

Nous avons été très satisfaits des échanges qui se sont opérés durant et à l'issue de cette conférence et nous espérons que cette conférence pourra se traduire dans les prochains mois par la mise en place de projets concrèts de développement au Japon de la part de nos sociétés val d'oisiennes."

Ms. E. Desthieux,

Chef de projet,

​Cergy-Pontoise, Paris région (France)

"Très bonne formation et excellente revue "haut niveau" des relations franco-japonaises. Connaissance approfondie du formateur sur le Japon. Très bonnes suggestions lors d'exposés de situations concrètes. Très formateur." Europe-Japan Cross-cultural Training Services Europe-Japan Cross-cultural Training SeminarsMr. J. Boudonnet

​Account Manager

​Mentor Graphics France

"Très bonne connaissance des sujets. Passionnant et fort utile pour notre activité courante." Europe-Japan Cross-cultural Training Services Europe-Japan Cross-cultural Training Seminars

​Mr. R. Triolet

Application Engineer

​Mentor Graphics France

​​​​​​In short

We will teach you the importance of the "4Ps" in Japan:

  • Patience: ​credibility and trust are key and can not be built overnight or even in a couple of months.
  • Presence: you must be there on a regular basis, always contactable in person, as the face and the presence of your company.
  • Presentation: you must tailor your behaviour, communications and "personal branding" to your Japanese audience!
  • Perspective: you must see things from the viewpoint of someone with another background, in another business/social and religious culture from your own!

As to Doing Business in Europe, we will teach you:

  • the differences in culture and background between citizens of key European countries as well as how to manage them.
  • ​that the European Market and the US Market are very different!

For details about our Training Courses, please check the Menu "GBMC Training Centre" hereunder , as well as our dedicated Webpages for each seminar. Alternatively, contact us at:  gbmc.biz@gmail.com.​.

​We also provide other customised training services in addition to those above, depending on your requirements.

"Philippe Huysveld played a key role as European Marketing Manager at Panasonic Europe. He brought a lot of passion to his role providing a key bridge between our Japanese factories and EU subsidiaries. As a Japanese speaker, he was key in maintaining relationships between our Japanese colleagues both in Japan and our expats in Europe. He was a friendly colleague who had a strong work commitment and ethics and was keen to develop himself and support others." Europe-Japan Cross-cultural Training Services Europe-Japan Cross-cultural Training Seminars

Katrine Smith

Senior Manager,

​European Talent Management,

​ex-colleague and ex-employee of


What people say about our Training & Speaking Services:

"I would highly recommend the cross-cultural training courses of GBMC. It is rare to find a facilitator that has both personal experience of Japanese business and culture over a long period, but also has a firm grasp of Japanese economic history. GBMC's workshops are full of vivid details, interactive learning and sound, practical business savvy."

​Mr.D. Price

Asia Business Consultant &

​Cultural Expert (UK)

Global Business & Management Consulting 
Cross-cultural & Business Training

GBMC Services

"Je tiens à vous remercier pour la qualité de votre intervention, lors de la matinée Japon organisée par le MEDEF Ile-de-France le 11 mai 2016.

​Votre connaissance du Japon et de la culture de ses entrepreneurs, vos conseils sur les "à faire" tout autant que sur les "à ne pas faire", les "do" et les "don't do", pour les entreprises françaises désireuses d'un développement d'affaires avec ce pays, ont été très appréciés et ont donné lieu à des échanges enrichissants entre vous et les participants, dont certains, exportateurs confirmés, ont pu témoigner de la justesse de vos propos en direction des nombreux néo-exportateurs présents." Europe-Japan Cross-cultural Training Services Europe-Japan Cross-cultural Training Seminars

​Mr. M. Jonquères


-Commission Internationale du Medef Ile de France
-Mouvement des Entreprises du Val d'Oise et MEDEF Val d'Oise
-Comité Val d'Oise des CCEF

​​​Europe-Japan Cross-cultural Training Seminars with GBMC Consulting, a team of Europe-Japan Cross-cultural Training Experts

​​​​​​​​​Get trained with GBMC (www.gbmc-blog.biz) and 

Get ready for the Japanese and European Markets!​

​Europe-Japan Business and Cross-cultural Training

​Philippe Huysveld and M.Inui-Huysveld offer in-house/company specific seminars (training customised and delivered on site for your company) as well as open business seminars (standard training open to all companies) in Paris and Brussels area (in GBMC's Training Centres).

​By providing extensive information/knowledge through these seminars, our aim is to INCREASE EFFECTIVENESS EITHER IN THE WORKPLACE, EITHER WHEN DOING BUSINESS.

​Depending on the audience/participants, seminars are available in ENGLISH, FRENCH and JAPANESE (most materials are in English however).

As to their content, training sessions cover Cross-cultural aspects as well as Business aspects related to "Doing Business with Japan", "Doing Business with the Japanese", "Doing Business with Europe" and "Doing Business with Europeans".

In-house seminars are mainly given in Belgium or in Ile-de-France (Greater Paris area). When necessary, additional travel expenses are charged, depending on the location. However, for the rest of France, UK, Germany and the Netherlands, it would still be a competitive price.

About our Methodology

Our Training Programmes are:

  • ​​Interactive: in order to achieve active participation by each participant , groups are kept to a reasonable size (from 4 to 8 people). Questions and comments are welcome, like in American-style universities (like at the Vesalius College in Brussels, where we used to lecture).

  • Practical: being business professionals rather than academics, we combine practice and techniques with theory. Using concrete examples and case studies, our training sessions are therefore very practical and based on 20 years+ of experience working with Japanese and for Japanese companies in Europe and in Japan.

  • Relevant: we are selective in what we present, avoiding pointless details. Our concern is to deal with each participants' daily challenges and to make sure they all leave the program with useful tools and confidence.
  • ​.​​

GBMC's cross-cultural and business training services

GBMC (Global Business and Management Consulting)
55 avenue MarceauParis, IDF75116FR
Phone: 0033139724606 Website: www.gbmc.biz

by Philippe Huysveld and Motoko Huysveld