Déclaration d’activité de prestataire de formation enregistrée sous le numéro 11 75 54946 75 auprès du préfet de la région d’Ile-de-France.

GBMC (Europe-Japan Business)

(Global Business &Management Consulting)

                                                  Helping you Do Better Business with Japan !

GBMC Training Registration Page

Europe-Japan Cross-cultural and Business Training Seminars

GBMC (Europe-Japan Business)


​Philippe Huysveld and M. Inui-Huysveld offer in-house/company specific seminars in Paris area or elsewhere.

For registration:of an in-house/company specific seminar (in Europe), please send us a mail atgbmc.biz@gmail.comwith your precise requirements (number of participants, location, full contact details and address, timing, content ....). We will follow up with a quote.  

Serie 1: General Training Courses for busy Executives and Expatriates

  • Seminar A: Expatriate Relocation Awareness Training

         (full day, available in English and in Japanese, 500 Euros/person VAT not included)

For busy expatriates. Seminar aimed at raising general cultural awareness & understanding, as well as at developing practical methods for solving cultural differences and conflicts in the workplace, from an expatriate perspective. Cover Relocation Issues too.

  • Seminar B: "One Day Survival Guide for Doing Business in or with Japan"

​         (full day, available in English and in French, 500 Euros VAT/person not included)

​For​ busy executives recently in contact with Japanese companies or with the Japanese Market. This "Introduction Seminar" is a summary of several "Serie 2" (extensive) seminars and gives an overview of Japan-related specificities. It should be seen as a first approach to the subject.

  • Seminar C: "One Day Survival Guide for Doing Business in or with Europe"

          (full day, available in English and in Japanese, 500 Euros VAT/person not included)

For busy executives recently in contact with European companies or with the European Market. This "Introduction Seminar" is a summary of several "Serie 3" (extensive) seminars and gives an overview of Europe-related specificities. It should be seen as a first approach to the subject

Serie 2: Specific Training Courses for Executives doing Business or working with Japanese

  • Seminar D: Cross-cultural Business Awareness Training: "Communicating and Working with Japanese Colleagues"  (full day, available in English and in French, 500 Euros/person VAT not included)

For non-Japanese (European) staff working in Japanese companies or interacting with Japanese colleagues based in Japan. Seminar aimed at raising Japanese culture awareness & understanding, as well as at developing practical methods for solving cultural differences and conflicts in the workplace, from a non-Japanese (European)  perspective. GBMC cross-cultural training centre GBMC training seminars registration

  • Seminar E: Cross-cultural Business Awareness Training: "Doing Business with Japan & How to pitch to Japanese prospects"  (full day, available in English and in French, 500 Euros/person VAT not included)

For executives Doing Business with Japan or approaching the Japanese Market. Our aim here is to increase effectiveness in Doing Business with the Japanese through overcoming cultural differences between Europeans and Japanese. Key cross-cultural Concepts and basic things to know when Doing Business with Japanese executives.

  • Seminar F:  Cross-cultural Business Awareness Training: "Business Meetings and Negotiations in Japan"  (full day, available in English and in French, 500 Euros/person VAT not included)

For executives Doing Business with Japan or approaching the Japanese Market. Our aim here is to increase effectiveness in Doing Business with the Japanese through overcoming cultural differences between Europeans and Japanese. Follows Seminar E: Advanced cross-cultural Concepts and things to know when Negotiating and having Meetings with Japanese executives.

  • Seminar G: "How to export to Japan and How to market your products in Japan"  (full day, available in English and in French, 500 Euros/person VAT not included)

For executives Doing Business with Japan or approaching the Japanese Market. Focus on Export and Sales & Marketing strategies in Japan, as well for B2C as for B2B business.

  • Seminar H: "Japan Entry Strategies and How to set up an office in Japan"  (full day, available in English and in French, 500 Euros/person VAT not included)

For​ executives Doing Business with Japan or approaching the Japanese Market. Review of various Entry Strategies (Indirect Sales, Direct Sales, Partnerships-Alliances-JV-M&A) to choose from when approaching the Japanese Market. Focus on setting up an office in Japan.

Serie 3: Specific Training Courses for Executives doing Business or working with Europeans

  • Seminar 3A: Cross-cultural Business Awareness Training: "Doing Business with or in France" (full day, available in English and in Japanese, 500 Euros/person VAT not included)

For (Japanese) executives Doing Business with France or approaching the French Market. Our aim here is to increase effectiveness in Doing Business with the French through overcoming cultural differences. Key cross-cultural Concepts and basic things to know when Doing Business in France.

  • Seminar 3B: Cross-cultural Business Awareness Training: "Doing Business with or in BENELUX" (full day, available in English and in Japanese, 500 Euros/person VAT not included)

For (Japanese) executives Doing Business with the BENELUX region or approaching the BENELUX Markets. Our aim here is to increase effectiveness in Doing Business with the Belgians and the Dutch through overcoming cultural differences. Key cross-cultural Concepts and basic things to know when Doing Business with Belgian and Dutch executives.

  • Seminar 3C: Cross-cultural Business Awareness Training: "Doing Business with or in UK" (full day, available in English and in Japanese, 500 Euros/person VAT not included)

For (Japanese) executives Doing Business with UK or approaching the UK Market. Our aim here is to increase effectiveness in Doing Business with the British through overcoming cultural differences. Key cross-cultural Concepts and basic things to know when Doing Business with British executives.



"Très bonne formation et excellente revue "haut niveau" des relations franco-japonaises. Connaissance approfondie du formateur sur le Japon. Très bonnes suggestions lors d'exposés de situations concrètes. Très formateur." 

                                                                                                                                                                                                 J. *Boudonnet

​Account Manager

​Mentor Graphics France

"Très bonne connaissance des sujets. Passionnant et fort utile pour notre activité courante."

​R. Triolet

Application Engineer

​Mentor Graphics France

"Nous tenons à vous adresser nos sincères remerciements pour la qualité et l'intérêt de votre intervention jeudi soir dernier à l'occasion de la venue de la délégation I-BAC.

Les participants à cette conférence dont les 8 membres de la délégation japonaise de la préfecture d'AICHI avec lesquels nous avons été en contact à l’issue de cette soirée ont  vivement apprécié votre intervention et les explications précises que vous avez fournies concernant le développement d'activités sur le marché japonais. Vos exemples concrets ainsi que vos propos rythmés ont vraiment contribué au succès de cette conférence. 

Nous avons été très satisfaits des échanges qui se sont opérés durant et à l'issue de cette conférence et nous espérons que cette conférence pourra se traduire dans les prochains mois par la mise en place de projets concrèts de développement au Japon de la part de nos sociétés val d'oisiennes."

E. Desthieux,

Chef de projet,

​Cergy-Pontoise, Paris région (France)

"Je tiens à vous remercier pour la qualité de votre intervention, lors de la matinée Japon organisée par le MEDEF Ile-de-France le 11 mai 2016.

​Votre connaissance du Japon et de la culture de ses entrepreneurs, vos conseils sur les "à faire" tout autant que sur les "à ne pas faire", les "do" et les "don't do", pour les entreprises françaises désireuses d'un développement d'affaires avec ce pays, ont été très appréciés et ont donné lieu à des échanges enrichissants entre vous et les participants, dont certains, exportateurs confirmés, ont pu témoigner de la justesse de vos propos en direction des nombreux néo-exportateurs présents." GBMC cross-cultural training centre GBMC Europe-Japan Business training seminars registration

​M. Jonquères


-Commission Internationale du Medef Ile de France
-Mouvement des Entreprises du Val d'Oise et MEDEF Val d'Oise
-Comité Val d'Oise des CCEF

GBMC's Training Registration Page

​​What people say about our Training & Speaking Services:

"I would highly recommend the cross-cultural training courses of GBMC. It is rare to find a facilitator that has both personal experience of Japanese business and culture over a long period, but also has a firm grasp of Japanese economic history. GBMC's workshops are full of vivid details, interactive learning and sound, practical business savvy." GBMC cross-cultural training centre GBMC Europe-Japan Business training seminars registration

​D. C. Price

Asia Business Consultant &

​Cultural Expert (UK)

Cancellation Policy and Payment Terms:

Taking into account the related Administration and Organisation costs, GBMC has adopted the following policy in the event that your plans change: 

- If cancellation is at least one month before the event, full reimbursement or rescheduling will be provided.

- If cancellation is at least two weeks before the event, reimbursement can not be provided but rescheduling is possible.

 - If cancellation is within two weeks of the event, no reimbursement or rescheduling is possible.

Please also understand that Registration will only be confirmed and finalised AFTER full payment receival (by PAYPAL or by bank transfer).

For additional or specific questions or requirements, please feel free to send us a mail at gbmc.biz@gmail.com!!



GBMC (Global Business and Management Consulting)
55 avenue MarceauParis, IDF75116FR
Phone: 0033139724606 Website: www.gbmc.biz

by Philippe Huysveld and Motoko Huysveld